NDSolns 2.0 is now live, www.ndsolns.com, keep reading for the exciting news!
NDS has added and reorganized content so that you can quickly find the information you need. Technical specs about our Products can easily be accessed, and there are now more details about the Services we offer. Here at NDS, we are growing fast and we have updated the website to accurately represent the company.
The two new products featured are both specialty AFM Probes. The High Aspect Ratio (HAR) Probe has a long narrow tip that can scan deep into the narrow trenches of a sample surface. The NDS Edge Probe is designed for tip detection on the sample surface. Both have been extremely useful for many AFM research applications.
We encourage you to spend some time on the website as NDS has released a lot of new and exciting information. We will continue to update the website on a regular basis so keep checking back for News updates, Career opportunities, product releases, and AFM industry expertise. Make sure you sign up to our Newsletter to stay updated!